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此次講座很高興邀請到Color Genomics的創辦人Nishant Bhat。畢業自University of California, Berkeley,父母期待他成為醫生,然而自小對生醫熱愛讓他選擇走上在創造中仍不斷深入理解生醫領域的新創產業。在創業的旅途中仍然被他人的期待與自我懷疑困擾著,同樣懷有創業夢想的你,此刻可能也有這樣的迷惘吧?看看聽眾們對此次演講的啟發,也許能消除你些許的困惑。

We are glad to have invited the founder of Color Gemomics, Nishant Bhat, for this lecture. Graduated from the University of California, Berkeley.His parents expected him to become a doctor, but his passion for biology led he into a new industry of biomedicine that is perpetually learning and innovating. To be bothered by the expectation of others and troubled by self doubt on your way to startup, you must be lost as well. Perhaps hearing what the audience had inspired from this lecture can alleviate the questions you have.

賈子怡 Tzu-Yi, Chia (Jill)





何為對的路?這個沒有標準答案的問題我已棄於身後,在我眼前的是嶄新的視野,「我有多少能耐? 我能帶給世界什麼?」台上的人侃侃而談,而台下雙眼熠熠光輝。雖已近講座尾聲,但人生的冒險旅程,正要開始。

Being torn between pursuing self-worth and meeting social expectations, I was no different from everyone else. I struggled to find my own rhythm and own voice in the fast-paced environment. However, inevitably a self-questioning feeling arises in my heart, asking, "What is the right path I should take?"

And it was not until the speech that I was inspired.

In the speech, we were able to learn how Nish found his own value and the passion to persevere during his period of hitting a plateau; we also got a glimpse of how he prepared himself well with humility after unremitting efforts and met every unknown challenge.

This man in front of me has admirable results, but he does not display a sense of superiority. What I saw was a humble and wise man, observing changes in the biomedical field to improve himself, listening to the needs of the world and thinking about how to contribute. Because he only focused on where needed the most, he always took the path which was not popular, and in the end always proved himself to everyone with surprise. After listening to the inspiring speech, I was fascinated, and even more enlightened.

So what is the right path I should take? I have left the question behind. I had broadened my horizon with the new question, "What can I contribute to the world?" The eyes of the audience shined brightly while Nish took them on his adventure with enthusiasm… Even though the speech is over, the adventure of my life is about to begin.

李芸 Yun, Lee (Shelly)






When I was planning this event, I imagined that with such a high degree of education and entrepreneurial experience, Nish must be a man who would put on airs.

But when I saw Nish at the event, he dressed casually and waved to us cordially. His behavior revealed his gentleness and simplicity without losing his humor and self-confidence, in the manner of which a successful person should have.

There are two things that impressed me the most from his sharing. The first is that he does not blindly follow the opinions of others and always decides to follow his heart. In Taiwan, we are often educated to obey the opinions of elders. Therefore, disobedience is equivalent to talking back and would be labeled as unteaching and unfilial. But as for him, he saw failure from a different perspective and thus had the best path forward for himself.

The second is that he strives to take every opportunity he could have. Such as making full use of his time by double majoring at school, or expressing his thoughts actively when encountered application opportunities. "Don't be embarrassed to speak up. If you fail, you won't get any reply at worst, but if you succeed, you will get unprecedented opportunities." When I was in college, I often hesitated and missed many opportunities due to my fear of failure. But in him, he saw failure in a different perspective and thus got the best performance stage for himself.

Since he won many people’s hearts during the speech, they stayed to chat with him even after the event. He didn't rush to leave the room and chat with them until the lights were turned off in the classroom. In the dark corridors, people’s cheerful words had lightened up each other with a heart-warming atmosphere. His experience has indeed given me lots of feedback and touches, and I hope to cooperate with him again in the future.

陳艾卿 Ai-Ching, Chen (Glenda)

此次很開心能聽講師Nishant Bhat 分享他精彩的人生故事以及對於創業的深刻見解,同為生醫領域出身的他,在演講最初前幾分鐘便和我們揭露了不少人都曾有過的經歷-背負著父母對他從醫的期待。但在求學路上的Bhat懷抱的是滿腹研究熱忱,他清楚意識到:Doctors are actually mechanics. They don’t do “discovery.” 而Bhat知道自己的憧憬與熱情所在恰恰是不斷發掘新事物並探究其中。秉持信念,毅然決然加入了startups,一路走來經歷了大大小小的磨練與挑戰。他提到四點加入新創帶給他的收穫:learning opportunities, watching the team grow, having an impact, and wearing a lot of hats. 在不斷摸索與嘗試的過程中,Bhat傳遞給我們的是他的正向思維,他總是相信跌倒了就爬起來,堅持下去有所回報的那刻終會到來。除了分享職涯歷練之外,Bhat也提到一些自己投入的生醫科學研究,包括Brain-machine interfaces(腦機介面)和prosthetic arms(義肢)....等等,都令人耳目一新。

“You have to be both skeptical as well as optimistic to startup a company.”是Bhat分享的一句話,始終在腦海中迴響。創業絕非易事,我想Bhat和諸多厲害的創業家正是有這樣的特質-足夠冷靜敏銳,懂得分析權衡,但正向樂觀亦是必須,不能處處畏首畏尾,擁有長久經營的洞見,深知良好的團隊合作才得以走地長遠。


I am glad to hear the lecturer Nishant Bhat share his wonderful life story and deep insights into entrepreneurship. As he was also majoring in biomedical fields when he was a student, he said that he was burdened with the expectation of his parents that he might one day become a doctor, which is a familiar experience for many of Taiwanese students. But during his school years, Bhat had a passion for doing research and realized that, “Doctors are actually mechanics. They don't do ‘discovery.’” And Bhat knew that his enthusiasm is for discovering new things and exploring them. Adhering to his beliefs, he joined startups and experienced various trials and challenges along the way. He mentioned four points that joining startups had brought him: learning opportunities, watching the team grow, having an impact, and wearing a lot of hats. In the process of trial-and-error, what Bhat delivered to us is his positive thinking. He always believes that if he falls, he will get up, and the moment will come when he perseveres and pays off. In addition to sharing career experience, Bhat also mentioned some of the biomedical science research that he had interest in, including Brain-machine interfaces and prosthetic arms... etc., which are all quite refreshing.

"You have to be both skeptical as well as optimistic to start a company." is a message from Bhat that always echoes in my mind. Entrepreneurship is never easy, and I think Bhat and many powerful entrepreneurs have exactly the traits of being calm and keen enough to analyze situations, and being positive and optimistic is also a must. A good entrepreneur can't be daunted at all times, but instead, has insights for long-term management, and knows that good teamwork is necessary for long-term development.

Everyone has different motivations for starting a business. Bhat believes that most of them can be divided into two types: people who want to become an employer or people who want to solve certain problems. He reminds everyone not to forget the original intention, goals, and emphasizes the importance of interaction and communication with the target audience. Only by being able to recognize the needs of them and act by targeting the core can we successfully carry forward the business philosophy, create recognition and unique value.

看完大家的感想,你是不是同樣深受啟發呢?在 Nish 身上,我們可以看見「唯有不害怕失敗才能抓住每一個機會」,「冷靜的權衡局勢、綜觀長遠大局同時抱持樂觀的態度面對每一個挑戰」這些屬於成功創業家的重要特質。在往創業的路上前進的同時,不妨注意培養這樣的能力,以期待在未來創業的過程中更加順利!

After hearing what everyone had to say, you must be enlightened as well!

From Nish, we can see the important qualities of a successful Entrepreneur. Such as: " Fortune Favors the bold ", "Be calculating of situations, and seeing the bigger picture while also being optimistic about every challenge he face.",

Why not cultivate such skills on your way to startup , to pave the road for your future endeavors!


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