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【2021 NTU BESA x TMU DREAMERS Pharmaceutical Winter Program後記-課程重點回顧】

撰文/ 張若芯 張沛珊

編輯/ 吳映柔

攝影/ 陳新

Sanofi Introduction (By Michelle Fuang)


「Life is a health journey, Sanofi is health journey partner」是 Sanofi 的企業價值,秉持著這個價值,Sanofi 致力於保護和支持面臨健康問題的人們,陪伴病人走過每個無論是生病或是健康的時期。


Sanofi 是目前法國第一大藥廠,員工遍佈世界各國,也在超過 170 個國家為當地提供醫療服務。關於 Sanofi 的 Global Business Units (GBU),目前有三大事業體,分別為 Specialty Care、General Medicines、Vaccines。


除了極力為病人謀福祉,Sanofi 非常重視員工福利,被臺北市政府評選為幸福企業,獲得 Top Employer 等殊榮。同時也在學生方面投注相當多心力,安排完整實習課程,希望透過這些行動讓學生探索自己、及早規劃未來的職涯發展。

Sanofi 也致力於對抗 COVID-19,透過與不同藥廠之間的合作提升全球醫療品質,期許為社會、病人貢獻。

Medical affairs sharing (By Jenny Lei)

Jenny 於台大醫學系畢業後,喜歡思考勝過動手實作,在好奇心驅使和先生鼓吹之下,從醫師轉變為初入藥廠的新鮮人,她當時的決定令師長們感到不解,但也在藥廠一做就做了好幾年。

What does medical affairs do?

1. Pre-Launch

2. Medical Insights

3. Stakeholders Engagement Strategy

4. Medical Operational Excellence

Sanofi Data Generation, Interpretation, Communication – Scientific Engagement

Core Deliverables for Medical Affairs

1. Lead rapid-cycle, integrated evidence generation across HEOR, RWE, Phase IIIb/V with tailored information to independent needs.

2. Clearly articulate clinical and economic value to build trust with partners.

3. Upgrade physician and patient decision making by engaging providers, patients, and others with tailored information that improves outcomes.

4. Provide strategic medical direction to the organization and steer resources for maximum medical impact.

精隨:從一個疾病該如何診斷,到醫生於不同廠牌藥物間的治療選擇,而後,想出對策讓更多病患使用此藥物,是Medical Affairs的職務所在。

Transforming Medical Affairs: Tapping the alchemy of storytellers and digital start-ups


現今社會,醫界每天都有許多新 data 產生,Medical Affairs 的任務是讓醫師在臨床決策時,可以更加方便並快速得到相關領域的第一手資訊。於是 Sanofi 創立網站,如 Doctor evidence 上有許多研究 data,可以使藥廠與醫師溝通上更有效率,也能查詢到某種疾病在一個地區的發生率和普及率,而使用 database 可以簡化資訊複雜度,如異位性皮膚炎控制工具以病患為中心,可幫助醫師疾病診斷並提升治療效果。

Medical role

-MSL 的職務

Morning lecture for physicians in Hospital.

Midday: visit several Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) and collect insights.

Afternoon: write meeting reports and visit medical society to discuss collaboration.

Night: round table discussion with KOLs.

-Medical Advisor 的職務

Morning brainstorming with cross-functional team to discuss medical strategy for patient unmet medical needs.

Midday: training for colleagues on the knowledge about therapeutic area (TA), medical practice and clinical evidence overview.

Afternoon: phone call with MSL to discuss insights and follow up actions.

Night: join medical society meeting and discuss with KOLs on collaboration for medical education.

最後 Jenny 提及部門間彼此溝通的重要性,每種藥物的上市需要各 function 相互合作才能成功。

Marketing Sharing (By Ming-Yao CHENG)


Ming-Yao 分享自身為何選擇投入醫藥產業的經驗,及如何在進入產業十年後,仍可以保持高度熱情。主要有以下幾個因素:Stable and Promising Industry, Relevance, Sense of Achievement and Great Purpose,期許能透過自身的職業幫助病人的生活變得更好。


Ming-Yao 目前於 Sanofi 主要負責的產品為 Dupixent (杜避炎),為異位性皮膚炎用藥。Ming-Yao 向我們分享病人使用 Dupixent (杜避炎) 後的經驗,對於異位性皮膚炎患者來說,環境中過敏原容易侵入皮膚,導致嚴重的症狀,因此有一位老先生曾回饋使用此藥物後,幾十年來他終於能夠撫摸太太的頭髮。很多時候,常人能輕易完成的事,對於受疾病所苦的病人卻非常難能可貴,更能改變其一生。對於努力將產品推廣出去的 Sanofi 團隊,聽見藥物真的能夠提升病人的生活品質,是一件非常感動且具有成就感的事。

Marketing 的 3 個 P

Marketing 部門中,有著非常關鍵的 3 個 P,分別為 Payer、Physician 和

Patient,三者在 Marketing 中扮演非常重要的角色。對於產品清楚了解後,分析其定位及優缺點,抓住 key message,制定新的策略。除了向外對顧客提供相關策略及規劃外,對公司內部也需要進行定期的會議、跨部門溝通及對 Sales 的訓練課程,讓大家了解最新的企劃。最近於 COVID-19 疫情之下,發想出新的 digital solution,透過一些不同於以往的方式,在嚴峻的疫情下依然能夠順利推廣產品。

Marketing Access sharing 政策事務處 (By Robert YEN)

關於Marketing Access

Marketing Access 是藥廠近期才於台灣成立的部門,主要處理健保署及相關政府機關的事務。在台灣,MA 部門在藥廠與政府之間扮演非常重要的溝通橋樑,與台灣健保制度有很大的關係。


Robert 與我們分享了很多健保相關知識,從健保制度的成立、藥品在健保制度的預算占比 (26.1%) 及預算的分配,到台灣藥品市場的現況,都讓在場的學員學習到非常多知識。健保制度 1995 年開始實施,雖然現今對台灣人來說已是非常普遍、人人享有的福利政策,但其實所有醫療支出只佔全國 GDP 的 6.1%,在極少的 GDP 佔比下,該以什麼樣的策略引進新藥,即是 MA 部門非常重要的課題。


新藥申請納入健保審查時,需要經過多重審核及步驟,包括醫療科技評估(HTA)、CDE、專家會議,以及共同擬定會議。MA 部門需要了解臨床需求、藥價訂定,分析產品定位,進而做資料的準備。在審查過程中,有一場非常重要的共同擬定會議,會議中各族群代表不同的聲音,包括病友團體、醫事服務提供者、工業/商業總會等,透過會議決議是否通過此新藥。MA 部門針對「安全、療效、藥事經濟學、預算衝擊」四大方向,準備各項資料與證據,以利新藥引進。


最後,Robert 送給在場學員一段受用無窮的話:「真正的職涯地圖是充滿挑戰、未知、和轉折的旅程」。不必害怕擔心,最重要的是保有熱情去嘗試、面對新藥、產品以及病患,找到最適合發揮自我的舞台。

GM Sharing (By Philip Ho and Igor BOBRO)

Key learning

Philip Ho

1. Encourage us to try

2. Remind open

3. You can decide your future by yourself


1. Do something different

2. Try some functions

3. Learn many things about world


Q: How we change our mood when we are students?

A: Do not be scared and face the problem that we encounter.

You can write down your idea on the book. In the future, you will find the solutions to solve similar problems.

Q: Could you share the culture shock from different countries?

Phillip: I have worked in UK and France. It is very different between Europe and Asia. The bosses in Asia are very high status. Students in Asia are scared of standing out to speak and asking questions. Phillip Ho encourages us “ You need to be heard! ”

Igor: Facing the COVID-19, people in other countries cannot live an ordinary life like Taiwan. Today many people from different areas participate program, so that the culture shock is getting smaller and smaller, and there are more and more exchange programs.

Q: Have you ever faced any challenge? How did you motivate yourself?

A: Do not jump in suffer, you can sit and think. The thinking like doing somethings that are really important, going to the right place to work and to love what you do. Choose the work you love and do not afraid to choose because you are young enough to have many change. Sometimes you cannot choose what you want, and passion plays a key character at the time.

Q: My team members has not responsible for their work? What do you do to solve this problem?

A: What you should do is understanding what your team members think because everyone has different direction and choice. Then you can ask them what problem they faced and assist them. When somethings unhappy occur in the team, you can sit down and have a cup of coffee with each other to understand the situation, someone may just too shy to say the need.

Q: How to make the communication more efficiently?

A: You should know English well and ask yourself that public speaking how clearly you deliver. Clearer story and briefing you share, the more people will be attractive. Take your time, break it down!

Q: GM is a dream job for many people, how do you get this position?

Phillip: Starting your career. In Sanofi, keep open mind and move forward to it.

What do you want to do next, where you want to go, and how to sustain the passion are important things.

Igor: Understand what has done, do somethings you like in life. Enjoy your time in school, you may find a lot of options.

Closing out from Sanofi (By Ting-ting Hu)

謝謝 Elaine 和 Michelle這半年協助提案競賽準備,相信同學們都在活動中了解藥廠中各部門的運作,對 Sanofi 而言,這是第一次和學生端一同合作完成 program,希望能夠揭開 Sanofi 的神秘面紗,並持續承擔社會責任,為同學提供更好的工作環境,除了暑期 Intern之外,我們也有提供為期一年的長期 Intern。提案競賽部分,六組同學的表現都很優秀,proposal 非常 impressed,在我心目中每位同學都值得鼓勵,期望大家願意多付出時間,對醫藥產業投與更多心血,並以 Sanofi 作為出社會後第一份工作選擇!


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